The 11th EASP (East Asian Social Policy Network) International Annual Conference was held at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA on ‘Managing Changing Welfare Needs in a Growing Transborder East Asia: Social Policy Responses’ from 24 to 25
Annual Report of East Asia Social Policy Research Network 2013/14
(1) 10th Annual Conference Successfully held at Beijing Normal University In collaboration with College of Social Development and Public Policy of Beijing Normal University, the EASP had successfully organized the 10th Annual Conference in Beijing, China in July 2014 with over 120 participants
10th EASP Annual Conference Report: Managing Rapid Social Change and Growing Diversity
The 10th EASP (East Asian Social Policy Network) International Annual Conference was held at the Beijing Normal University, China on ‘Managing Rapid Social Change and Growing Diversity: Social Policy Responses and Changing Governance in East Asia’ from 11th-12th of July, 2013.
2012 Joint EASP/SPA Annual Conference Report: Social Policy in an Unequal World
16 – 18 July 2012, University of York, UK The 9th International Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network (EASP) took place at the University of York, UK. This time, it was jointly organised by the EASP and
EASP 8th International Conference – Social Policy in East Asia and Beyond: Rethinking Social Policy Strategies in Times of Uncertainty
The 8th International Conference of the East Asian Social Policy (EASP) Research Network took place at the Hong Kong Institute of Education in August 2011 with over 140 delegates in attendance from across Asia, Europe, Australasia and North America. The
EASP 7th International Conference – Searching for New Policy Paradigms in East Asia: Initiatives, Ideas and Debates
The 7th International Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Network (EASP) took place at Sogang University in Seoul, Korea with around 140 delegates in attendance from all over the world, recording the largest gathering since its first inception in
EASP 6th International Conference: Global Economic Crisis and Welfare Restructuring in East and West
The 6th International Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Network (EASP) took place at the University of Sheffield in July 2009 with over 100 delegates in attendance from across Asia, Europe, Australasia and North America. The international spread of
Welfare Reform in East Asia: Meeting the Needs of Social Change, Economic Competitiveness and Social Justice
The Fifth International Conference of East Asia was held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan between 3 and 4 November 2008. It was jointly organized by the East Asian Social Policy Research Network (EASP), National Taiwan University and the Taiwanese
The 3rd EASP (East Asian Social Policy Research Network) Conference
The East Asian Social Policy research network (EASP) held the third conference at the University of Bristol on 12th and 13th July 2006 sponsored by Japan Foundation, Routledge and the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. Stimulating keynote speeches, interesting paper-presentations in workshops and network-related activities filled the busy schedule. The Conference attracted about 120 delegates from near
East Asian Social Policy research network Conference at the University of Kent, July 2005
The East Asian Social Policy Network held its annual meeting, organised by Yu-Ting Liu and Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby of SSPSSR at the University from 30 June to 1 July. Professor David Melville welcomed 93 academics to the conference, including senior