We would like to notify some important updates related to 12th EASP Conference in Singapore for your reference.

1. Deadline Extension (March 14, 2015)

The abstract submission deadline has been extended until March 14 (Sat). Please share this new deadline with your colleagues who haven’t submitted yet but wish to join.

2. Poster Presentation Possibility

For this year, the organizing committee will open a poster session for some poster presentations (not many); thus, if you want to make a poster presentation, please indicate your presentation style as poster in your abstract (if already submitted, please revise & resubmit). However, our policy is clear that most presentations should be based on professional oral talks and strongly encouraged in that format.

3. Keynote Speakers

The EASP committee and the hosting party (NUS) finalized the list of keynote speakers as below.

  • Prof. Ku Yeun-wen (Taiwan, Welfare State)
  • Prof. Kyung-Zoon Hong (S. Korea, Welfare State)
  • Prof. Mukul Asher (Singapore, Social Policy)
  • Prof. Donald Low (Singapore)

Please share all above info with your colleagues, students, acquaintances via networking.

Thanks for your support and interest,


12th Conference updates (deadline extended)