Call for paper and panel proposals
The 16thAnnual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network
July 2nd-3rd 2019, National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Deadline for abstract submission: 12 March 2019
- Kees van Kersbergen, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Mary C. Brinton, Harvard University, USA
- Junko Kato, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Jen-der LUE, National Chung-cheng University, Taiwan
East Asian welfare states are undergoing great transformations in response to changing social, economic, political, and demographic circumstances. The conventional notion of ‘productivism’, which puts priority on economic ahead of social policy development, has thereby given way to the idea of ‘social investment’, which emphasises the allocation of resources to human capital formation alongsidesocial inclusion and labour force empowerment. Associated with this ideational change are paradigmatic and incremental reform initiatives that promise to cast new directions of East Asian social policy.
Against this background, the 2019 annual conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Networkwill examine East Asian welfare futures in the broad context of the key structural challenges in the region. We particularly welcome contributions, which engage with the broader theme of social investment. Theoretical and/or empirical contributions with a comparative and global perspective are equally encouraged. It is our long tradition to invite papers by postgraduate students and early-career researchers as well as established scholars working in the field of East Asian social policy analysis.
Depending on the final selection of submitted papers and panels, the conference will comprise the following streams (as well as any other aspects of social policy in East Asia in an Open Stream):
- Stream 1: Welfare States and Welfare Regimes
- Stream 2: Governance, Democracy and Participation
- Stream 3: Migration and Citizenship Stratification
- Stream 4: Demography and Family Care
- Stream 5: Health and Human Well-being
- Stream 6: Poverty and Social Inclusion
- Stream 7: Education and Vocational Training
- Stream 8: Ageing and the Life Course
- Stream 9: Labour Markets and Employment
- Stream 10: Housing and Urbanization
- Stream 11: Gender Inequality and Social Policy
- Stream 12: Sustainability and Human Welfare
Those wishing to present a paper should submit a 250 word abstract to by 12 March 2019. Information enclosed with your abstract should include: stream number, title of paper; author name(s); institution; and email address of corresponding author.
Those wishing to organise a panel should submit a 250 word panel proposal including: title and objective of the panel, details of all panel organiser(s) and all participating members, along with abstracts of three or four papers (250 word abstract each) to by 12 March 2019.
Important dates:
- Submission of paper abstract and panel proposals: 12 March 2019
- Notification of applicants: 31 March 2019
- Early booking & registration will start from 1 April 2019
Further details to be announced shortly. If you have any queries, please contact or
The East Asian Social Policy Research Network ( is a regional association for facilitating research exchange among social policy analysts and providing a forum and network of communication for the development of social policy in East Asia and beyond.